SEIU Illinois State Council Endorses Progressive Candidate Marie Newman for Congress

CHICAGO – Today, the SEIU Illinois State Council announced its endorsement of Marie Newman in the state’s March 17 Democratic primary. Newman is running to defeat longtime incumbent Congressman Dan Lipinski in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District. The SEIU Illinois State Council represents 150,000 janitors, security officers, healthcare and homecare workers, public sector employees and more across Illinois, with more than 11,000 members living in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District.

Newman is running a progressive campaign where all working families can feel represented, no matter their background or where they come from. She is fighting for at least a $15 hourly minimum wage for all working families in her district, green jobs for the revival of local businesses and healthcare for every working family. While wealthy special interests and certain politicians try to divide working people against each other, Newman also advocates for immigrant rights to make sure no one is left in the shadows.

”Marie Newman is the progressive leader the 3rd District needs in Congress.” said SEIU Illinois State Council President Tom Balanoff. "Marie supports a path to at least $15 an hour so that every working family can make ends meet with good union jobs. She will fight to expand healthcare for all working families, protect hard-won reproductive freedoms and keep immigrant families together."

“I am running for Congress because our community in Illinois 3rd District deserves a fighter in Washington who will work tirelessly, every day, to improve the lives of working families,” said Marie Newman. “I am honored to have the support of SEIU and to have the privilege of working with their over 10,000 members in Illinois 3rd District to fight for a livable wage, healthcare for all, universal childcare, and an economy that works for everyone.”

“Marie Newman knows that too many families in the 3rd congressional district are living paycheck to paycheck and that legislators must stand up for living wage issues and worker benefits so that more of our communities can reflect growth rather than decline. She is in tune with the need for affordable healthcare and decreasing the burden on working families by making the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes. Her vision for the 3rd congressional district is forward-looking that delivers funding and services rather than feeding into the divisive tone coming out of Washington today. We support Marie Newman because she will be a voice for working families who struggle to meet their everyday needs,” said SEIU State Council Vice President Greg Kelley.

“Marie Newman is a progressive champion that the 3rd District working families need in Congress. SEIU Local 73 members support Newman because she presents a bold, positive vision representative of SEIU members views on strengthening the labor movement and the working class. We look forward to her victory and working closely with her to make positive change happen,” said Joseph Richert, SEIU Local 73 Secretary-Treasurer.


The SEIU Illinois State Council represents more than 150,000 working people, including home care and child care providers, security officers, janitors, as well as public employees, medical professionals, first responders and social service workers. SEIU members are winning better wages, health care, and more secure jobs, while ensuring that working people, not just the wealthy and well-connected, benefit from today’s economy.




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