Despite Record Profits, Cedar Fair/Six Flags Management Rejects Union Proposals that Address Understaffing and Guest Experience Issues at Local Park

Guests continue to bear the brunt after management rejects Union proposals that address issues with guest experience.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1 working people who ensure guest satisfaction and safety by building, inspecting, maintaining, and repairing the rides and facilities at Worlds of Fun, Oceans of Fun, and Worlds of Fun Village are entering their sixth month of contract negotiations with Cedar Fair/Six Flags management. This contract impacts up to 90 Maintenance workers and has been expired since March 2024.

Workers have reported several serious issues that negatively impact the guest experience, including concerns about food and beverage services, a lack of standard heat mitigation for workers and guests, and downtime on park coasters, flat rides, and other attractions, which seems to have sharply increased this season. Many of these issues are caused by deliberate understaffing and by a reportedly limited maintenance budget, despite record profits.

“We tell management exactly what parts we need,” said William Kloepper, who has worked at the park as a Ride Mechanic for six years. “But they don’t place the orders until the parts actually stop functioning, which means the ride is down until the part arrives and is installed. And with supply line issues, that really impacts the guest experience.”

“We have to plead and beg to get the things we need to do the bare minimum,” said Alexander Otte, who has worked at the park as an Electrician for seven years. “I wish our guests knew how much the guest experience could be improved if park management agreed to our proposal to resolve the understaffing.”

“In my experience, Worlds of Fun is one of the least shaded parks - on hot days, I won’t take my own children there. So, we decided to use our Union power to demand park improvements, including adequate shade structures and misters,” said Christopher Schuler, who has worked at the park as an HVAC Technician for five years. “We believe this will lead to fewer heat-related illnesses and injuries, and will help ensure that guests are more comfortable while waiting in line. Our Union is not just fighting for our own working conditions, but also for a better experience for our guests.”

Local 1 members are scheduled to return to the bargaining table next week and remain hopeful that Cedar Fair/Six Flags management will finally come to an agreement on a fair contract with living wages and adequate staffing.

“Working people at Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun deserve a fair contract so they can continue to provide the experience that guests deserve,” said Christian Rak, SEIU Local 1 Director for Missouri and Southern Illinois. “Cedar Fair has been clear that they can afford our proposals on staffing and a living wage, and that their refusal to agree is ‘just a business decision’ and ‘not personal’ to them. But it is very personal to the working families affected by these negotiations and to the families who choose to spend their time and money at Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun.”

“Cedar Fair has reported record profits every quarter for the last two years,” said Gary Sellars, who has worked at the park as a Painter for four years. “What we’ve asked for is just a basic living wage for Kansas City. So when the high-priced corporate lawyer sitting across from you tells you that they can afford it, but just don’t think you’re worth it, it’s insulting and disrespectful - not just to us as workers, but also to our guests.”

“It is disappointing to see the lack of consideration for guests in the long lines, the pricing, the food service, and seems like everywhere else,” said Don Kincaid, who has worked at the park as a Carpenter for 11 years. “At the end of the day, the guests are the top priority for us, and I wish that park management understood that the park maintenance workers are not their problem – we’re their solution.”


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