Representing 500 frontline essential workers in the district...
SEIU Local 1 Endorses Nina Turner for 11th Congressional District Race

With SEIU Local 1’s endorsement, Turner has won full backing from SEIU in Ohio

CLEVELAND –Today, SEIU Local 1 -  a labor union representing nearly 2,000 janitors and food service workers across Ohio, including more than 500 in the state’s 11th congressional district - announced its endorsement of Nina Turner for the district’s 2021 special election primary taking place August 3, 2021. Turner is a strong, proven leader and supporter of frontline essential workers in the fight for $15 and a union. With this endorsement, Turner has won the support of all SEIU Locals in the state.

“I support Nina Turner because she understands that for working people to have economic justice, one must have racial justice,” said SEIU Local 1 Cleveland Hopkins International Airport janitor Sandra Ellington. “Turner is not a stranger to labor -- she understands the importance of investing in our communities, and I am voting for Nina Turner because we need a leader who is not afraid to roll up their sleeves and fight for what’s right.” 

“11th district working families have seen Nina’s passion and know she will be a warrior who fights for us in Congress,” said SEIU Local 1 Vice President and Ohio State Director Yanela Sims. “Nina will be a powerful voice on the issues that matter to working families: $15 and a union, clean air and water and real investment in our communities.”

 While wealthy special interests try to divide us, Nina Turner will fight alongside working people to make sure our economy works for all, no matter our background, where we come from or the color of our skin. Local 1 is ready to get out the vote for Turner, who working families trust to fight for economic, environmental, immigrant and racial justice.

