SEIU Illinois State Council President Tom Balanoff Responds to Republican Paul Schimpf’s Gubernatorial Announcement

CHICAGO - The following is a statement from SEIU Illinois State Council President Tom Balanoff regarding the launch of Republican Paul Schimpf’s campaign for governor:

“Paul Schimpf voted against raising the minimum wage to $15 for 1.4 million working people in Illinois - often the same healthcare workers, fast food workers, janitors and other essential workers who have risked their own health on the front lines of COVID-19 to keep the public safe. Working families cannot trust Paul Schimpf to fight for them in Springfield.”


The SEIU Illinois State Council represents more than 150,000 working people, including home care and child care providers, security officers, janitors, as well as public employees, medical professionals, first responders and social service workers. SEIU members are winning better wages, health care, and more secure jobs, while ensuring that working people, not just the wealthy and well-connected, benefit from today’s economy.