First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
High School Name
High School Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
High School Phone Number
Job Site
Number of years of employment
What colleges are you applying to?
Why should you receive this scholarship? Include reasons for going to college or future plans etc.
What area of study do you plan to pursue? What benefits do you expect to gain from college?
Is there any accomplishment of which you are particularly proud? If yes, please explain.
List the extracurricular activities which you participate in at your high school and/or any awards or honors you have won.
What memorable or important experiences did you get from participating in your extracurricular activities?
Are there any special circumstances (chronic illness, financial hardship, etc.) in your household affecting your need for financial assistance?
What work experience have you had (summer jobs, part-time, etc.)
What does a union mean to you and your family?
Is there any additional information about yourself you would like the Scholarship Committee to consider when reviewing your application?
Thomas Balanoff Young Leader Scholarship Essay
The Thomas Balanoff Young Leader Scholarship is a $10,000 scholarship given annually to one student who exemplifies both academic excellence as well as leadership in their community. In addition the student should embody and honor the legacy of soon to be retired Local 1 President Tom Balanoff and all the incredible work he has done for working people across the Midwest.
To be eligible for the Thomas Balanoff Young Leader Scholarship, in addition to the standard scholarship application, you must also write a 600-word essay outlining your achievements in your community, your work for social and economic justice in our society, and explaining why you are a future leader.
This is OPTIONAL. If you do NOT want to be considered for the Thomas Balanoff Young Leader Scholarship, skip to the next page.