SEIU Missouri/Kansas State Council Announces First Round of Endorsements in 2021 Municipal Election

Representing 4,000 working people in the city, the SEIU Missouri/Kansas State Council endorses candidates who will fight for issues important to working families

 – Today, the SEIU Missouri/Kansas State Council - which represents 4,000 working people in St. Louis, including front-line essential janitors, hospital workers, nursing home workers and more - released its first round of endorsements in the city’s 2021 municipal elections.  The primary will take place on Tuesday, March 2. 

The SEIU Missouri/Kansas State Council is proud to support the endorsed candidates who best represent the interests and values of working families in our region, many of whom continue working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The SEIU-endorsed candidates include:


Tishaura O. Jones

Darlene Green

Alderman Ward 1:
Sharon Tyus  

Alderman Ward 3:
Brandon Bosley

Alderman Ward 5:
James Page

Alderman Ward 7:
Shedrick (Nato Caliph) Kelley

Alderman Ward 9:
Dan Guenther

Alderman Ward 11:
Sarah Wood Martin

Alderman Ward 13:
Beth Murphy

Alderman Ward 15:
Megan Ellyia Green

Alderman Ward 25:
Shane Cohn


The SEIU Missouri State Council represents 14,000 home care and health care providers, higher education faculty, janitors, as well as patient care professionals, first responders and social service workers. SEIU members are winning better wages, healthcare and more secure jobs, while ensuring that working people, not just wealthy special interests, benefit from today’s economy.


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